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What to Do If You Have a Problem with the Oregon Department of Human Services (DHS)

The Oregon Department of Human Services (DHS) helps people with food, cash, medical benefits, and other services. If you apply for help, DHS decides if you qualify based on state and federal rules.

But sometimes, DHS makes mistakes or denies benefits when you think you should get them. If you disagree with a DHS decision, you have the right to challenge it through a hearing process.

What kinds of decisions can you challenge?

You can request a hearing if DHS:

  • Denies your application for food, cash, or medical benefits.
  • Lowers or stops your benefits.
  • Says you were overpaid benefits and must pay the money back.
  • Accuses you of fraud or claims you intentionally gave false information.
  • Denies help with in-home care or changes your care plan.
  • Makes another decision about your benefits that you think is wrong.

How to ask for a hearing

You can ask for a hearing if you think DHS made a mistake. Here's what you need to do:

  • Act quickly: You usually have 60 days from the date on the DHS notice to request a hearing. If your benefits are being reduced or stopped, you may have only 10 days to ask for a hearing if you want to keep getting benefits while waiting for the hearing.
  • Read your DHS notice: The notice or letter from DHS about the change in your benefits will tell you how to ask for a hearing.
  • Turn in your request: Send the form to DHS by mail, fax, or in person. If you need help filling it out, ask a DHS worker.

What happens next?

  • Pre-hearing meeting: DHS may contact you to try to solve the problem before a formal hearing.
  • The hearing: A judge (called an Administrative Law Judge) listens to both sides and decides if DHS made the right decision. You can bring documents, witnesses, or someone to speak for you. You can also ask for a free interpreter if you need one (OAR 137-003-0545).
  • The decision:  Several weeks after the hearing, the judge will send you a written decision. If you lose, you may be able to appeal again.

Getting help


You have the right to challenge a DHS decision. If you think DHS made a mistake, request a hearing as soon as possible. Help is available if you need it.

Further Reading

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