Guide to Oregon Divorce and Custody Trials

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The "Divorce and Custody Trials in Oregon" handbook, created by the Oregon Judicial Department, is intended to help you prepare for a family law trial in Oregon. This booklet covers:
- General information about divorce and custody trials in Oregon
- How to find family law statutes and court rules
- Preparing for a formal trial vs. Informal Domestic Relations Trial (IDRT)
- What you need to know on the day of trial
- What to expect during a traditional trial vs. an Informal Domestic Relations Trial
- How to prepare your case when child custody and parenting time is at issue
- How to prepare your case when child support or spousal support is at issue
- How to prepare your case when the division of property and debts is an issue
This booklet was last updated in 2019.
Acknowledgments. This brochure was created by the State Family Law Advisory Committee (SFLAC) Education Subcommittee, based on an original version developed by the Douglas County Local Family Law Advisory Committee and the Douglas County Legal Aid Office in 2001. The SFLAC and Subcommittee acknowledge with gratitude the Douglas County efforts and thank them for permitting the use of their materials.
Notice. You may reproduce or copy these materials for personal use or non-profit education purposes but not for resale or other for-profit distribution unless you have permission from the Oregon Judicial Department.