Oregon Law Help is brought to you by sources you can trust. This website is a joint project between the Oregon State Bar, Oregon's state court system, legal aid organizations, and other nonprofit legal providers in Oregon.
Oregon lawyers write and review the legal information published on this website.
About the groups involved
- Oregon State Bar (OSB): OSB licenses lawyers, ensures they follow the rules, and offers services to lawyers and the public. The OSB Access to Justice Department manages several programs for the public, including funding free civil legal help, the Lawyer Referral Service, and the Oregon Law Help site.
- Oregon Judicial Department (OJD): This is Oregon's state court system. The Oregon Judicial Department includes Oregon’s county circuit courts, the Oregon Court of Appeals, and the Oregon Supreme Court.
- Legal Aid Services of Oregon (LASO): LASO is a statewide, nonprofit law firm that provides free legal help to Oregonians who lack money. It focuses on areas where people need the most help.
- Oregon Law Center (OLC). OLC is a statewide, nonprofit law firm. Like LASO, they give free legal help to Oregonians who don't have a lot of money and focus on areas where people need the most help. OLC also works to change and improve laws in Oregon to help the clients they serve.
- Oregon Law Foundation (OLF): OLF supports legal services in Oregon by managing and distributing money to nonprofit legal providers.
- Oregon Consumer Justice (OCJ): OCJ fights for consumer rights and works to stop unfair practices that harm people and families.
History of this site
The Oregon Law Help site was previously run by Legal Aid Services of Oregon. In 2020, the groups involved in this project agreed to update the site to make it more user-friendly. They also agreed to transfer the day-to-day management and upkeep of the site to the Oregon State Bar.
Today, the Oregon State Bar Access to Justice Team manages the site's day-to-day operations. However, big-picture decisions continue to be made by all the groups involved in this project.