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Legal Information Library

Rental housing, evictions, foreclosure, and other housing rights information.
Divorce, custody, child support, and other legal issues affecting families.
Restraining orders and other legal protections for survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking.
Going to court, working with lawyers, and other tips for navigating the legal system.
Cash and food benefits, disability benefits, unemployment insurance, and more.
Wills, healthcare, retirement benefits, and other issues affecting seniors
Legal protections and government assistance for people with disabilities.
Health insurance options, paying for healthcare, and other health-related legal topics
Clearing your criminal record and reentry after prison.
Workplace problems, losing your job, employee rights, and more
Issues related to natural disasters and public health emergencies
Discrimination, free speech, the First Amendment, and Indigenous rights
Legal options and protections for immigrants in Oregon.
Click here to visit the Oregon Law Help classic site for information on topics not covered by this new site.