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Oregon Law Center Eviction Defense Project

Oregon Law Center (OLC) is a non-profit providing free legal help to people struggling to make ends meet on matters related to their homes, livelihoods, medical care, and physical safety against domestic violence. OLC helps people with incomes up to 125% of the federal poverty level. In some situations, OLC can help people slightly above this level. 

The Eviction Defense Project provides information, legal advice, and full representation to low-income renters facing eviction. Renters must have an active eviction court case. If a renter in Multnomah County has a notice of termination of tenancy but not an eviction court case, the Project will refer them to partners who may be able to help. 

Eligibility Criteria

Financial Eligibility

This organization has financial eligibility rules. You will need to provide income information if you apply for help.

Area(s) Served


Legal Issue Areas


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How to get help


Apply online

By email

In your email, include your name, date of birth and eviction court case number.

By phone

(888) 585-9638

Monday through Thursday

9 a.m. - 1 p.m.