Family Abuse Restraining Order (FAPA)
A Family Abuse Restraining Order ("FAPA") is a legal document in Oregon that helps protect people from domestic violence or other family abuse. A restraining order tells someone to stay away and stop contacting you. It can also include other rules to keep you safe.

Who can get a FAPA restraining order?
You can get a FAPA restraining order against a romantic partner or relative if they abused you in the last 180 days (six months) and you're afraid they'll hurt you again.
Abuse includes:
- Physically hurting you
- Trying to hurt you
- Making you afraid you will be hurt by their threats or violent behaviors
- Sexual abuse
Your romantic partner or relative includes:
- The other parent of your children.
- Your spouse or ex-spouse.
- Someone you had a sexual relationship with during the last two years.
- A romantic partner you live with or used to live with.
- A family member (includes people related to you through marriage or adoption).
How do you get a FAPA restraining order?

Here’s how the process works:
- Complete the forms: Complete the required forms and submit them to the court. The Oregon Judicial Department website has the forms you'll need.
- Court review: The court will review your request the same day or the next business day.
- Approval: A judge will grant you a restraining order if you meet the eligibility rules.
- No cost: Filing for a FAPA restraining order is free.
- Notification: You don't have to tell the other person you're applying for an order. They'll find out after you get your order when they are served with your restraining order by police.
You can learn more about how to get a restraining order here.
Can the other side fight the restraining order?
Yes. After you get your restraining order, the other side can fight the restraining order by asking for a contested hearing. Both sides can talk to a judge at the hearing, call witnesses, and present evidence.
You can learn more about contested hearings on this page.
How long does a FAPA restraining order last?
A FAPA restraining order typically lasts for two years. It can be renewed for another two years if you still need it to stay safe.
What rules can be included in a FAPA restraining order?
A FAPA restraining order can:
- Tell your abuser to stay away from you.
- Include rules that limit how your abuser can contact you.
- Require your abuser to move out of your shared home.
- Help you protect your pets.
- Tell the other person to pay you emergency money.
- Give you temporary custody of your shared children.
- Include a safe parenting plan (visitation schedule), so your abuser can still see your kids.
Need help?
If you're experiencing family abuse in Oregon, a FAPA restraining order can be a critical step toward safety. Resources are available to assist you with getting a restraining order, including:
- Legal aid services. You may qualify for free legal help if you can't afford a lawyer. Find your local legal aid office here.
- Domestic violence support. You can also get free support from your local domestic violence program. Find your local program on the Oregon Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence website.
You can learn more about other domestic violence services in Oregon here.
More Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, in some situations. A minor can get a FAPA against their:
- Spouse or ex-spouse
- Someone they had a sexual relationship with
But the other person must be an adult! You can't get a FAPA restraining order against someone under 18.
You may qualify for a FAPA restraining order if someone has recently:
- Hit, punched, shoved, or pushed you.
- Choked or strangled you.
- Thrown things at you.
- Tried to hit you with a car.
- Driven recklessly with you in a car, trying to scare you.
- Used a gun or other weapon to scare you.
- Threatened to kill you or hurt you.
- Forced you to have unwanted sex.
- Punched walls or damaged your house during a fight.
- Broken your things during a fight.
- Said or done things that made you afraid you were about to be hurt.
Most likely, no. FAPA restraining orders only protect people from physical violence and sexual assault.
If you are a person with a disability or over 65, you may qualify for the Elderly Persons and Persons with Disabilities Restraining Order. This restraining order can protect people from verbal and financial abuse.
A FAPA order can tell the person abusing you to:
- Not contact you.
- Stay away from your home, work, or other places you go often.
- Move out of your shared home.
- Pay you money to help you stay safe.
- Give you back your pet if you’re worried the other person will hurt your pet.
- Not have guns or ammunition.
You can also ask a judge for other protections to help you stay safe. If the other person does not follow your FAPA restraining order, you can call the police for help.
Every FAPA restraining order is different. You can choose which protections you need to stay safe. For example, you may want the other person to be able to contact you by phone but not see you in person or come to your house.
Yes. A judge can make the other person move out of your home if you can answer yes to at least one of these questions:
- Are you married to the person who is hurting you?
- Is your name on the lease or rental agreement?
- Do you own the home you are living in?
Yes. A FAPA restraining order can:
- Give you temporary custody of your shared kids.
- Include rules for when the other parent sees your kids.
- Have rules to keep you safe at pick-ups and drop-offs.
- Require the other parent to have supervised visits if it’s unsafe for them to be alone with your kids.
- Tell the other parent they can’t use drugs or alcohol when they’re with your kids.
- Tell the other parent to stay away from your kid’s school or childcare.
- Tell the other parent not to contact you through your kids.
Domestic violence organizations in some counties provide free supervised parenting time and supervised exchanges. To see if this help is available where you live, talk with your local domestic violence resource center.
No. The no-contact rules only apply to the person the order is against. You can't get in trouble for contacting the other person.
However, contacting the other person is rarely a good idea. Doing so can make it harder to keep your restraining order if the other person challenges it in court.
However, if your FAPA restraining order includes a temporary plan for your children, you must follow it. You can get in trouble if you don't follow the visitation schedule in your order.
Maybe. After you get your restraining order, you may have to return to court for a contested hearing. A contested hearing is a court date where both sides talk to a judge. Both sides can present evidence and argue their case to the judge at this hearing.
You will have a contested hearing if:
- A judge automatically schedules a hearing. If a judge wants more information before making a temporary plan for your kids, the judge can automatically schedule a hearing. On your court papers, this hearing will be called an exceptional circumstances hearing, but it is the same as a contested hearing.
- The other side asks for a hearing. If a judge doesn’t set a hearing, you will only have one if the other person disagrees with your restraining order and requests a hearing. The other person has 30 days from receiving a copy of your order to request a hearing.
For more information on contested hearings, visit the contested hearings page.
You can ask the court to end your restraining order early (this is called dismissing your order) by turning in forms to the court. The forms to dismiss a Family Abuse Restraining Order can be found on Oregon's state court website or at your local circuit court.
Yes, you can change (modify) your restraining order. There are two ways to change your FAPA restraining order:
- At a contested restraining order hearing. If you have a contested hearing, you can ask the judge to make changes at this hearing. For more information on contested hearings, visit the contested hearings page.
- By turning in a separate application. You can also ask to change your restraining order by applying to the court. You can get a copy of this application on the Oregon Judicial Department website or at your local circuit court. Each county has a different process for changing a restraining order. Call your local courthouse for more information. Remember that the other side can request a hearing if they disagree with your changes.
You can ask the court to extend your restraining order for two more years. This is called "renewing" your restraining order. You can find the forms to dismiss a Family Abuse Restraining Order on the Oregon Judicial Department website or at your local circuit court.
If you want to extend your restraining order, you must submit a renewal application before your restraining order ends. The other side can disagree by asking for another court hearing with a judge.
The custody order in your FAPA restraining order is only temporary. It will eventually go away.
In most cases, your temporary custody order lasts as long as you have your restraining order. But your temporary custody order can end early if either:
- You get long-term custody in a separate divorce or custody case.
- A judge writes an expiration date for your temporary custody order on your restraining order. (A judge can only do this if your restraining order changed a prior custody order.)
You may call the police. The police must arrest the other person if they have enough evidence that they disobeyed your order.
If you don’t call the police, you should keep evidence of the violation. You may need this if you decide to call the police later.