Qué hacer con un padre que ignora su orden de custodia
No. This is not a good idea. The other parent's bad behavior doesn't give you a legal reason to stop paying child support. If you stop paying, you can also get in trouble and make the situation worse.
However, you may be able to get permission from a judge to stop paying child support if you file a parenting time enforcement motion. Learn more about this option and find court forms on the Oregon Judicial Department website.
No. Even if the other parent isn’t following the order, you still have to follow it. Denying parenting time could hurt your case if you go back to court.
You’re still responsible for following your custody and parenting time orders.
- Try to encourage your child and get them to go willingly
- Try talking to their other parent and brainstorming solutions together
If none of these options work, legally, you should make your child go. If you don't do this, you risk getting in trouble for not following the court order.
If there are serious concerns, like abuse or safety issues, talk to a lawyer right away.
La corte cobra una cuota de presentación de $56. Si sus ingresos y recursos son muy bajos, puede pedirle a la corte que le permita:
- hacer su presentación gratis (esto se llama exención de cuotas); o
- pagar más tarde (esto se llama postergación de cuotas).
Para pedir una exención o postergación de cuotas, tiene que llenar un formulario. Puede encontrar este formulario en el sitio web de la corte estatal de Oregón o puede obtener una copia en su corte de circuito local.
¡Advertencia! Si la corte le otorga una postergación, de cuotas, usted o la otra persona las tiene que pagar por completo antes de que termine el caso. Si no paga las cuotas al finalizar el caso, la corte le puede cobrar cuotas adicionales o enviar el saldo a una empresa de cobranza de deudas. Si no puede pagar las cuotas al finalizar el caso, hable con su corte local sobre la posibilidad de establecer un plan de pagos.
If you file a motion asking the court to help you address the problem, there's a good chance you'll have to have a court hearing. At the hearing, you'll have to prove what's been happening. The other parent also gets a chance to defend themselves.
When will I have to go back to court?
- Custody enforcement: You'll need to go to court the same or next business day after you file your motion.
- Parenting time enforcement: You'll have a hearing within 45 days of filing your motion (unless you settle the dispute before your hearing).
- Modification: You'll only go back to court if the other parent disagrees with your requested changes and files a response. You may have to wait several months to have a hearing.
How do I prepare for court?
Here are some things you can do to prepare for court:
- Consider hiring a lawyer. A lawyer can help you understand how to prepare for court and help you get ready. Learn more about hiring a lawyer here.
- Gather evidence. You can use written communications, photos, videos, and other documents to help you prove your case. Print out your evidence and bring two copies of each document to court. If you're having a phone or video hearing, call your court and find out how they want you to turn in your evidence for court.
- Find witnesses. If other people have witnessed the problems with your co-parent, see if they will come to court with you to testify. Remember, you can't use letter's from witnesses as evidence. They must testify in person (or by phone or video). You can read more about witnesses here.
For more help preparing for court, you can refer to the Oregon Judicial Department Guide to Oregon Divorce and Custody Trials. Although this booklet is about preparing for a trial, the information on evidence, what to expect at court, and proving your case still applies.