Divorce Process
Starting a Divorce or Responding to Divorce Papers
If you're ready to start your divorce or your spouse just handed you divorce papers, these step-by-step guides will help you understand your next steps and find the forms you need.Divorce Mediation, Settlement, and Uncontested Divorce
Learn about options for resolving your divorce without a lengthy court battle and tips for negotiating a divorce settlement with your spouse.Temporary Orders During Your Oregon Divorce Case
Are you and your spouse fighting about who gets to live in your house during the divorce? Is your spouse refusing to help you pay your shared bills? If you're struggling with these issues, a temporary order may be a solution. Learn more here.Can I Move Away With My Kids in a Divorce?
Find out when it's legal to move and when it's not, the risks of moving without permission from your spouse, and tips for successfully moving away with your children before, during, or after your divorce.Guide to Oregon Divorce and Custody Trials
This detailed guide can help you prepare for a divorce or custody trial in Oregon. This booklet covers informal vs. traditional trials, preparing for court, what to expect in court, court rules, how to prove your case, and more.Oregon's Divorce Laws
If you're considering filing for divorce, need to respond to divorce papers, or you're trying to settle your divorce, it's important to understand Oregon's divorce laws. Learn the basics here.Free Court Forms for Oregon Divorce and Custody Cases
Oregon has free divorce and custody forms to help you manage your legal case independently. Learn where to find these forms, options for filling them out, and more.