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Housing Protections for Victims of Domestic Violence and Certain Other Crimes

If you were recently a victim of domestic violence, stalking, sexual assault, or a bias crime in Oregon, you have the right to: 

  • End your lease early without paying a lease-break fee;  
  • Ask your landlord to change your locks; and 
  • If you live with the person who harmed you, you can ask your landlord to get them off your lease agreement.  

The law also makes it illegal for a landlord to:  

  • Evict you or refuse to rent to you because you were a victim;  
  • Treat you differently because you were a victim; or  
  • Make you pay for damage to your rental caused by the person who harmed you.  

Bias crime defined: A “bias crime” is a crime committed against someone because of their race, color, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability or national origin. To see the full legal definition, see ORS 166.155 and ORS 166.165.

You can break your lease in two situations:  

  1. You or a child who lives with you was harmed within the last 90 days (excluding any time when the person harmed you was in jail or lived more than 100 miles away); or  
  2. You have a restraining order protecting yourself or a child who lives with you.

  1. Give your landlord a letter that says you're ending your lease early because you were a victim. You can use this sample letter

  2. Provide proof. You must also include evidence that you were a victim. You can use any of these documents as proof:  
    • A restraining order signed by a judge;  
    • A police report that lists you or a child who lives with you as a victim;   
    • A conviction record related to the crime; or  
    • A signed statement from a police officer, lawyer, licensed health care professional, or a crime victim's advocate. You can use this sample form

Important! Your landlord cannot make you pay extra fees for breaking your lease early because you were a victim of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, or a bias crime.

  • If you personally hand your move-out letter to your landlord: you can end your lease 14 days after the date you give the letter to your landlord. 
  • If you mail the letter to your landlord: you can end your lease 17 days after the date you mail it. 

Yes. Your close family members can also move out with you. This includes your:

  • Adult relatives by blood, adoption, marriage or domestic partnership; 
  • Child’s other parent; and
  • Grandchildren or foster children.

Your move-out letter should list all the names of people moving out with you.

If you give your landlord a letter you're moving out and proof you were a victim, you only have to pay rent until the move-out date you wrote in your letter.   

After that date, your landlord cannot make you pay:  

  • More rent,   
  • A fee for breaking your rental agreement, or  
  • For any damage that happened after you moved out. 

You must wait until everyone who lives in your rental moves out to get your security deposit back. Your landlord has 31 days after everyone moves out to return the deposit. For more information on getting your security deposit back, click here

If you need help paying for a security deposit at a new rental, you may be able to get help through a program called Temporary Assistance for Domestic Violence Survivors (TA-DVS). Visit the Oregon Department of Human Services website for information on how to apply.  

No. If the property damage was caused by the person who harmed you, and you gave your landlord proof, you do not have to pay for those damages.

It’s a good idea to take photos and make notes about any damages before you leave. Ask a friend to do this with you so you have a witness.

If you live with the person who harmed you, you may be able to make them move out instead. There are two ways to do this:

  1. Get a restraining order from a court that tells the person who harmed you to move out; or
  2. Ask your landlord to end their rental agreement. 

Option 1: Get a restraining order 

Two of Oregon's five restraining orders can make someone move out of your home. Click the links below to learn more about these restraining orders, including how to get one: 

Option 2: Ask your landlord to end their rental agreement 

Your landlord can give your abuser a notice to move out if they committed serious domestic violence, stalking, sexual assault, or a bias crime against you. But your landlord does not have to make the person who harmed you move out. It is up to the landlord to decide if they will evict them. 

Yes. To ask your landlord to change your locks, you can use this sample letter. If your landlord takes too long or will not change the locks, do it yourself. But you give your landlord a copy of the new key. You do not have to give your landlord proof of your abuse to change your locks. 

Also, keep in mind:

  1. You must pay for the cost of changing your locks; and

  2. If your abuser lived with you, you can't change the locks until they are off you're lease. (See the last question for information on how to get your abuser off your lease.) 


No. You cannot be asked to move out just because you were a victim. But your landlord can ask you to move out for other legal reasons. For example:

  • Not paying rent;

  • Moving the person who was abusing you into your rental without permission;

  • Not following other rules in your rental agreement; or

  • Allowing the person who is abusing you to keep coming back to your rental property after they've been violent or aggressive to you or others at the property.

 Click here for more information on evictions in Oregon.  

You have several options:

  • If your landlord tries to evict you, you may be able to fight the eviction in court. 
  • You may also be able to sue your landlord for money. 

Talk to a lawyer to get help with these options. You can use our Referral Database to find free- and low-cost help in Oregon. 

If you get housing assistance and you experience domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking, there are special legal protections that apply to you. Talk to your housing caseworker about your situation if you need to make changes to your housing. 

If you still have problems after talking to your caseworker, talk to a lawyer. You can find free- and low-cost lawyers using our Referral Database

Housing assistance includes: 

  • Section 8 vouchers for private homes;
  • Affordable housing or subsidized housing properties; and
  • Supportive housing for people with disabilities or for the elderly.

The public housing agency, property manager, or landlord must let you apply for your own housing benefits or give you a reasonable amount of time to move.

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